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George Carlin Commentary on Weed

 History coinsides with Georges Carlins standup commentary, He points out how Vice Pres.Dan Quayles actions not only drew negative attention but also indicates possible suspicious activities. Read below, This is How! Shop Now!

carlin commentaryThe vast majority of Americans have no idea that a plant (the Everything plant) may Save the Earth! "Cannabis" may jump start a new economy, creating optimal health, prosperity and freedom with far less pollution, provide environmental and biological sustainability.

Recorded history is usually written by the people in control. Why are people, animals & planet  suffering today, when those in control (oligarchy) are financially capable of solving our problems dozens of times over.

Between 2300 B.C. and 1000 B.C.,Hemp from Cannabis was incorporated into the cultures of the Middle East and India for its vast Food, Lamp Oil, Fiber and Medicinal uses. Not only was hemp a staple of everyday life; cannabis medicines were a ritual link to the gods. From at least the 27th Century B.C. up until this century, Cannabis was incorporated into virtually all the cultures of the Middle East, Asia Minor, India, China, Japan, Europe and Africa for its superior fiber, medicines, oils, food and for its meditative, euphoric and relaxing uses. The secret ''art" of hemp medicine was found effective as wound healer, muscle relaxant, pain reliever, fever reducer and unparalleled aid to child birth not to mention hundreds of other medicinal applications.

The division of information about this sacred herb and its industrial hemp uses were strictly maintained (suppressed) by the priests for thousands of years, up until recently.
Those outside the priestly class who possessed drug knowledge were considered ( by the priests of coarse ) to be witches/soothsayers/outlaws and were often condemned to death, sound familiar?
While embracing wine as a sacrament, and tolerating beer & hard liquor, the Inquisition outlawed cannabis "ingestion" in Spain in the 12th Century, and France in the 13th. Many other natural remedies were simultaneously banned. Anyone using hemp to communicate, heal, etc. was labeled a "witch". Saint Joan of Arc, for example, was accused in 1430-31 of using a variety of herbal "witch" drugs, including cannabis. In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII singled out cannabis Healers and other Herbalists, proclaiming hemp an unholy sacrament of the second and third types of satanic mass. This persecution lasted more than 150 years. Despite this Centuries-long Attacks by the most powerful political and religious force in Western civilization, hemp cultivation continued in Northern Europe, the Spanish Conquistadors were busy planting hemp everywhere around the world to provide; sails, rope, oakum, clothes, food, oil, etc. In Europe, hemp was widely used both industrially and medicinally, from the Black Sea (Crimean) to the British Isles, especially in Eastern Europe.

The papal ban on cannabis medicines in the Holy Roman Empire in 1484 was quite unenforceable north of the Alps and to this day the Romanians, Czechs, Hungarians and Russians dominate world cannabis agronomy.

Pot heals the soil (remediation) so you may keep growing on the same soil. It also purifies its environment as it grows expelling unique vibrations. Cannabis plants are found to ''Eat" Radiation and Drive Away Toxicity. Fields of Hemp Should be planted around Fukushima, Japan. George Washington has famously stated to his Mt.Vernon, Virginia estate groundskeepers; "Plant the Indian hemp seeds Everywhere"! Thomas Jefferson wrote and acted on behalf of Hemp many times, smuggling rare seeds into America, redesigning the hemp brake and keeping his farm and garden journals. He Famously said; ''The success of a country depends on a single plant"! The 18th century ushered in a new era of human thought and civilization. "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!" declared the colonists in America. "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!" replied their French cousins.

The concepts of modern constitutional government, which guaranteed human rights and separation of church and state, were unified into a policy designed to protect citizens from intolerant arbitrary laws. In his landmark essay, On Liberty, Ogden Livingston Mills, whose philosophy shaped Our democracy, wrote that "Human Liberty compromises, first the inward domain of consciousness in the most comprehensive sense: liberty of thought and feeling, ...scientific, moral or theological, ...liberty of tastes and pursuits." Mills asserted that this freedom of thought or of "mind" is the basis for all freedoms. Gentleman farmer Thomas Jefferson's immortal words , "I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man," are engraved into the marble of his memorial in Washington D.C.

150 years ago pot was the most prescribed Medicine used by nearly every man, woman and child in the US . It was sold by leading drug companies,(Lilly, Merrell, McKesson&Robbins, etc.) some of which still exist. American death rates from cancer 100 years ago was 1 out of 20, today it is 1 out of 2, so what happened? Prohibition and the Creation of Chemical Medications!

Marijuana isn't pots real name, it was named that to pass the deceptive prohibition laws. Pots real name is CANNABIS. Contrary to popular perception, pot is not a phenomenon rooted in the 60's. Pot is part of Our Global Heritage & was the backbone of Our most Stable and Longest surviving Cultures.

Abraham Lincoln was an avowed enemy of prohibition. His wife was prescribed cannabis for her nerves after his assassination. Virtually every President from the mid-19th Century up until prohibition routinely Used Cannabis Medicines! Close acquaintances of John F. Kennedy, such as entertainers Morey Amsterdam and Eddie Gordon say the president used cannabis regularly to control his back pain (before and during his term) and actually planned on Legalizing "marijuana" during his second term, a plan cut short by his assassination in 1963.

The War on Drugs has focused on Cannabis, that is why we have epidemics of pain/prescription pills, heroin, meth, crack, etc. and the ''users'' who are ruining their lives and Our Communities. Too much money being made in an Unjust Law System. Turns out, pot may be used as a ''gateway Off of those drugs", including Alcohol. By the way, alcohol IS a drug!

President Jimmy Carter did not push "The War on Drugs". He knew it was a War on All of Us, in "Pots" case, necessary for Us to go broke, suffer and die prematurely. President Carter actually advocated for the Legalization of marijuana. The "war on drugs" Intention was to portray pot as being Dangerous, and they made it work.
Since the War on Drugs, Many Presidents have stated, "it's Dangerous". In 1936, right around the time big companies wanted to stop hemp Production, but not because of THC! People using & growing hemp at a much cheaper cost and taking money out of their greedy pockets was the issue!

About 150 years ago, Half of all Americans were Farmers! They simply did not want Us to be able to grow Our own; Food, Fuel, Medicine, ect. The creation of big pharma & chemical, non-natural, medicines instead of plant based medications coincided with 1937 prohibition.

Man has utilized this all-natural plant medicine for thousands of years. From 1850 until prohibition, it was widely popular, 3rd most Prescribed and half of all medicines prescribed among American Physicians! The demonization of cannabis soon followed, unfortunately, drugs like aspirin and morphine proved to be more lucrative. By 1936, nearly all U.S. states had enacted laws restricting cannabis, some of which are still in effect today. The propaganda was massive throughout the U.S. - controlled by the media. However, today, experience, observation and common sense is Proving the Media Lies and more accepting attitudes surrounding cannabis, particularly regarding its Multi Medical Benefits. We need pot for Optimal Health and it works on all mammals.

Just like all meds, "one" is not right for everyone. Note that there is a small 2% of people who have negative allergic reactions. If we had been Allowed to do proper Research for the Past 80 YEARS, we would have discovered there is a particular "Terpene and Strain for every body and brain". The United States Government funded studies at St. Louis University Medical School in 1989 and the US Governments National Institute of Mental Health in 1990 moved Cannabis research into a new realm by confirming that the Human Brain has Receptor Sites for THC and its natural cannabis cousins to which No Other Compounds known thus far, will Bind! In order for a chemical to affect the brain it must bind to a receptor site capable of receiving it,...Hence the E.C.S. !

Although Morphine approximately fits the receptor sites of beta-endorphin, and amphetamines correspond loosely to dopamine, these drugs as well as tricyclics and other mood altering drugs, present grave danger to the subtle balance of the nerves' vital fluids.

Omni and The Washington Post cited No physical dangers in Natural Cannabis!

One reason why Pot is Safe to use is that it does Not affect any of the involuntary muscles of breathing and life support. Rather, it affects its own specific receptor sites for motion (movement strategy) and memory (mental strategies). On the molecular level, THC fits into receptor sites in the upper brain that seem to be uniquely designed to accommodate THC. No other medicine fits Our Receptors so perfectly. This points to an ancient symbiosis between Plant and People, co-evolved eating it. Carl Sagan proposed evidence using the Bushmen of Africa to show hemp to have been the first plant cultivated by man dating to when he was a hunter-gatherer. Some scientists assume that these receptor sites did not evolve for the purpose of "getting high''. "There must be some kind of neuronal pathway in the brain that developed, whether there were cannabis plants or not," speculated mystified St. Louis University pharmacology professor Allyn Howlett in 1989.

We now understand that cannabis effectively combats cancers, diseases, reduces seizures, manages pain and minimizes inflammation. Not only is it advantageous for treating pre-existing conditions, but it contains preventive health benefits as well. “Cannabis also works as an antioxidant, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and a mood elevator, fighting both physical and emotional maladies,” “The reason why cannabis has such a vast range of health properties lies within the E.C.S., the Endocannabinoid System. “The health of the ECS is vital for homeostasis – the stable functioning of all our physiological processes, including appetite, sensitivity to pain, emotions, bone growth, fertility and so much more.”

“We are finding that endocannabinoid deficiencies are the root of many types of illness, be it physical or mental. The major cannabinoids in this plant work in concert with the ECS to promote the homeostasis for Good Health! These cannabinoids are only found in mothers Milk and the Plant! 

Nixon created both; the "War on Drugs" and the DEA specifically to arrest "peaceful pothead protesters." Since then, there has been trillions of dollars spent on cannabis enforcement. In 2009 the DEA spent 10 billion dollars alone just on cannabis enforcement. Nixon accidentally discovered the perfect Cure for Cancer in 74', when he gave the Medical College of Virginia 2 years to confirm that pot causes cancer just like Cigarrettes. Instead, it Healed tumors & induced leukemia in most of the mice.

Nixon and the DEA "Hid the Evidence" and all further cannabis/tumor research. In1974, California Governor Ronald Reagan was asked about decriminalizing marijuana. After producing the "Tulane" University study, the so called "great communicator" proclaimed, "permanent brain damage" is one of the inevitable results of the use of marijuana.The Trulane Study was suppose to prove pot's Harm. Dr. Heath forced Rhesus Monkeys to inhale smoke without oxygen until nearly dead and dying so they may use the brain cells to prove that pot killed them. This information was purposely used for propaganda scare tactics. There are well over 20,000 studies on Pub Med that conclude pot is Safe and does not cause brain damage, but rather promote new brain cell growth called neuro-genesis. Perhaps Reagan trusted the federal research to be True and correct. In 1976 then President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies.

In 1983, the Reagan/Bush administration told All American Universities & Libraries and  researchers to Destroy all 1966-76 Cannabis Research Work.

Random Doctors whom have worked with the U.S. government on marijuana research ( Dr. Thomas Ungerlieder, Dr. Donald Tashkin UCLA and Dr. Tod Mikuriya, conclude that; The active ingredients in THC are used-up in the first or second pass through the liver, leftover THC metabolites then attach themselves in a very normal way that is a safe and perfectly natural process. Many chemicals from foods, herbs and medicines do this same thing all the time in your body. THC metabolites show less Toxic potential than virtually any known metabolic leftovers in your body. 

Environmentally and Biologically, pot is meant for Sustainability, so why are we destroying the Earth and Ourselves? We are Wasting precious natural resources (some gone forever) when cannabis may replace them. Sustainability was lost with the Prohibition laws. We have cut down Half of all Trees not to mention the Ecosystems and Pollution.

Henry Ford had a different Vision for the People, an ''Automobile made with Sustainability". His 1941 hemp car was THE GREENEST CAR EVER MADE! About 5 times Better for the Earth than todays electric vehicles (2019). It was made from the strongest soft fiber on Earth, "cannabis", and was 10 times stronger & lighter than Steel!

Hemp fuel would have ended the future need for fossil fuel consumption. Pot may replace all fossil fuels, Trees, Ect. Pot may replace of our Nuclear & Coal ENERGY NEEDS with "biomass"!

When DuPont tells you that they bring "Better Living Through Chemistry," they don't tell you that its only for 100 years, then the entire planet is saturated with decaying Toxins, "for their profit".

Approximately 50% of all drug enforcement money, federal and state, during the last 80+ years has been directed toward marijuana alone. Some 70-80% of all people now in federal and state prisons in America wouldn't have been there 70 years ago. 50 to 80% are for simple possession, Not Dealing and Non Violent! There is still a pot arrest every 45 seconds. Remember just 38 years ago, in 1978, before the War on Drugs there was only 300,000 people in American prisons for all crimes combined. America has created the largest prison occupancy in the world (by ridiculously far)! Pot continues to make Trillions of dollars to many corporations.

It is obvious when judging the weight of empirical fact and large amounts of corroborating evidence indicate the Reagan/Bush/Quayle administrations along with their unique pharmaceutical connections "Bush/Quayle/Lilly sellout" have probably had conspired at the highest levels to withhold information and to dis-inform the public thru various agencies. They did it to save their own and their friends investments in the 1) pharmaceutical 2) energy 3) paper industries and to give these poisonous, synthetic industries an insane advantage over natural hemp and protect the trillions (billions back then) of dollars in annual profits that they stood to loose if the hemp plant and marijuana were not prohibited. Since 1937, the Federal Government still classifies pot as a schedule 1 Drug, with No Medicinal Value and is Highly Addictive.

Truth is, pot is Less addictive to humans than Caffeine, alcohol or cigarettes with only a 9% addiction rate! That's less than any other drug. 9 out of 10 people will Never become addicted.

These Fed. Laws are the "Loophole" causing Our countries Dysfunction & people being arrested in even Legal states, like Colorado. Meanwhile, The Fed. gov. has been supplying several people for decades, with cannabis for medicinal purposes.  Why haven't we all heard of this gentleman, Irvin Rosenfeld, who has been given 10 joints a day for the past 34 years, equaling about 150,000 joints so far. Research for yourself. Rosenfeld, who suffers from a rare form of bone cancer, isn't your typical pot smoker, and his dealer isn't your typical drug pusher. He gets his joints, 300 at a time, one shipment every 25 days, courtesy of the United States Federal Government.
When Rosenfeld began receiving marijuana from the federal government in 1982, he became the second patient to benefit under a narrowly defined "compassionate protocol" that supplied glaucoma and Cancer patients with Cannabis under the Federal Drug Administration's Investigational New Drug Program.

This program was "Disbanded" a decade later by the Bush administration, G. Bush Sr. Never mentions the POSITIVE RESULTS ever again in his next Presidency.

Irvin uses the marijuana to treat two conditions, one called multiple congenital cartilaginous exostosis, the other pseudohypoparathyroidism. They cause painful tumors to grow All Over on his bones. His experience, he said, has led him to become one of the nation's most vocal proponents of medical marijuana use. Diagnosed when he was 10 years old, Rosenfeld found marijuana helped with his pain when he tried it for the first time as a college student in the 1970s. Desperate not to use an illegal substance, he petitioned (with help from family in the right places) the Federal Drug Administration for five years to let him receive government-grown marijuana. Every month for the last 36+ years, Rosenfeld has received 300 joints from the government, sealed in large tins and delivered to his local pharmacy. The marijuana comes from cannabis plants grown by the government on a small farm at the University of Mississippi.
The plants are sent to Raleigh, N.C., where the National Institute of Drug Addiction dries them and prepares the cigarettes (joints). Only once, in 1983, was Rosenfeld arrested for possession. He was picked up in Orlando by a policeman who didn't initially believe his use was federally protected. Ever since then, he said, he has carried a letter from his local police chief and a security officer at the Miami airport, explaining that he has permission to possess the drugs.

The Obama administration spent even more money on raiding and closing Medical pot dispensaries than the previous "Bush Jr." administration! They have been scrambling because the Truth is out there! Just like Nikola Tesla with FREE Electricity, if "they" wanted a Cure, they would allow the MEDIA to be Honest in the USA!

All We need to know is that in 1937, the American medical assoc.(AMA), rejected Prohibition and Dr. William C. Woodward said; The AMA knows of NO evidence that cannabis is Dangerous and Warned that a prohibition ''loses sight'' of the Fact that Future Investigation may show that there are Substantial Medical Uses for Cannabis. More Recently ( 2013 ), to quote the honest Dr. Sanjay Gupta (CNN); ''I think We have been Terribly and Systematically Misled in our country for some time. The science is there! The proof is becoming increasingly clear! It is Irresponsible of the medical community ''Not'' to offer this alternative! It has Not been given its Fair shake in our country! There is nothing else that Impacts on so many. One drug, able to Help us holistically, with our biochemistry to restore homeostasis ( healthy) Balance. After making those statements, CNN got rid of their investigative team.

Recent psycho-pharmacological studies have discovered that THC has it's own unique receptor sites in the brain , indicating Man and Marijuana have a Pre-Cultural relationship! Human culture could very well prove to be the blossom of Our symbiosis with cannabis! "Given its antioxidant properties and its ability to activate CB(2) but to block CB(1) receptors, Δ(9)-THCV has a promising pharmacological profile for delaying disease progression in PD and also for ameliorating parkinsonian symptoms." Cannabinoids also supercharge the mitochondria in the brain, which are the powerhouses of energy that maintain proper cell function. Published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, these discoveries shed new insight on how natural marijuana cannabinoids hold the capacity to literally quell the brain inflammation responsible for causing cognitive decline, neural failure, and brain degeneration. By supplying these receptor sites with cannabinoids, patients may be able to overcome brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and many other conditions, not to mention premature brain aging, all conditions for which modern science has failed to find real solutions. “I’ve been trying to find a drug that will reduce brain inflammation and restore cognitive function in rats for over 25 years; cannabinoids are the first and only class of drugs that have ever been effective,” said Gary Wenk, a professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University (OSU) who helped with the research. “I think that the perception about this drug is changing and in the future people will be less fearful,” he added, referencing the fact that marijuana is still viewed mostly negatively by many people. That negativity helps with the ''stalling'' of public access (mental and physical).

Pot is the Least Addictive and Safest recreational Drug in the world. The virtually harmless affects of pot on the body is realized by the habitual user and also recognizes the continual lies in the media.They want us to believe that pot is dangerous, It is only dangerous to all of their empty pockets. Pot IS the Most Medicinal plant on Earth. Pot is the Most Productive Resource.

PDFA (Partnership for a Drug Free America) is just another agency whom has joined with the media on disinformation ads. Ad agencies and media groups make available (free of charge to all broadcast and print media) slick public service ads directed primarily against pot. It is the Most Important Plant on Earth in order for humans to progress with sustainability. We need to utilize it in all 50,000 productive, "more Sustainable ways."

Bill Maher from HBO says; "15 years ago, cancer drugs cost an average of $10,000 per year. Now, it's 10,000 per Month! Apparently, the pharmaceutical cartel owns the U.S. Government every bit as much as Mexican Drug Lords own theirs." Research and Educate! Massive proof IS all around us that the suppression of medical cannabis represents the greatest failure of the institutions of a free society, medicine, journalism, science, and American fundamental values. After reading all of these (mostly confirmed) facts, please don't call me a conspiracy theorist, call me a Humanitarian.

The war on drugs has failed, "as physicians, have a professional obligation to do no harm," said Dr. Chris Beyrer, founder and director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health and Human Rights. "The prohibitionist policies of the last five decades have directly and indirectly contributed to lethal violence, disease, discrimination, forced displacement, injustice and the undermining of people’s right to health.
"Current cannabis laws are based on ideas about drug use and drug dependence that are not scientifically grounded," Dr. Beyrer said. "They need to change, and doctors must participate in that process as stewards of the public health. Potman & Courteous Cannabis are cartoon humanitarian, super heroes - Shop PotMan - 'cause Courteous Cannabis cares!

About Us

Frank Altomari, who at age 16, created PotMan & Courteous Cannabis cartoon super heroes in the early 1980's,