Earths Most "Educational" Cannabis T-Shirt!

PotMan & Courteous Cannabis Don't talk about getting High, we talk about a Natural plant that was Meant to be Utilized for any
Intelligent species in order to progress Sustainably and Healthily.

A plant ;
- that IS the Most Productive Plant on Earth and Least Utilized. 50,000+ non smoking uses.
- that for the last 27+ million yrs. was part of the human diet that helped shape who we are; mind, body & spirit.
- that Humans co-evolved Eating so that it is Symbiotic, part of Our Human Physiology (we are all pot-men, women & children).
- that contains exact molecular structures in our bodies, at least 4 cannabinoids inside Mothers breast milk but Nowhere Else on Earth except Cannabis.
- for optimal human health, Fits Human Receptors like a lock & key, better than Any Western Pharmaceutical ever invented!
- that can Replace 70% of Pharma Pills without the Side Effects.
- that Poses such a threat to Our current System, (rigged by Big Pharma) that they are sacrificing Our Health over Profit by
Not Allowing the Endocannabinoid System to be Taught in Medical Schools for 30 Years Now!!! The most important medical discovery in the past 30 yrs.
- has Never killed anyone from Overdose, because our brain stem won't allow a respiratory shut down as it is part of US.
- most Mammals Ate because it used to grow Everywhere & produces the Healthiest Foods. Cannabis is best classified as a Vegetable.
- has the Most Healing Abilities incl. the Most Immune System generating substance called Edisitin (more than any other plant/food on Earth)
- the Healthiest Nutrients that WE have been deprived of, found nowhere else, both from Plant and from seed. The Number 1 single-
Healthiest Food on Earth is Hemp Seeds (Hearts).
- Farming industry would Use Less Water and No Pesticides ever needed, ever.
- 100 yrs. ago, used as an anti-toxin, was able to keep a person alive from fatal toxic exposure.
- Replacing Petroleum fossil fuels - The Finest (greenest) Lubricant on Earth! Henry Ford created the Greenest Car in 1941, it was 4.7 times cleaner (better for our Earth) than Todays Electric cars.
- Replaces Trees - superior Paper, Wood, Pulp with Far Less processing chemicals.
- Eats up Carbon Dioxide (CO2) BETTER than any Plant and Produces over 4 Times the OXYGEN as Trees, plus Cannabis Grows thousands of times Faster.
- Replaces all kinds of Plastic that does not Harm our Earth like todays plastics that are here for tens of thousands of years leeching toxicity from petroleum additives inside.
- Replaces Lithium in Batteries, hemp is 8 times more Powerful than Lithium and of course, better for Our environment.
- is non toxic and able to Purify the environment and allow farming on the same soil over & over (soil remediation).
- can Mitigate Global Warming if we demand it to be Utilized like it should have been.
- make Houses that DO NOT BURN & cut heating & cooling Utility Bills.
- makes Hemp-Crete, thousands of times Better than Concrete, from Performance to Environment. It also lasts thousands of years, not decades.
- should be Utilized in nearly Every man made material for Carbon Negativity, Infrastructure Sustainability, Safety, ect. Think about this, every Car, Boat, Plane, Building, windows and nearly everything sold
in Home Depot or Lowes, Fuel and Energy Needs across the planet, 50,000+ Superior Uses ALL while Purifying the immediate environment wich also Feeds Wildlife!
- that Henry Ford once said; "Why Use Up Limited Natural Resources when Hemp does a Better Job".
Apparently, it's up to US - Help Advocate for Hemp Use!
Everything Else WE do besides utilizing Hemp to Mitigate carbon dioxide, will be the last things WE do.
"WE the People" may Unite over the countless ways the Everything Plant may be Utilized!
Corporations own the Media, that's why few of US "See the BIG Picture" about how the corruption hurts US & creates Dysfunction and non sustainable populations.
It is Imperative that WE Utilize Cannabis for biological & planetary Stability & Sustainability. The Good News is more & more citizens are becoming Educated as Cannabis becomes Legal!
Societal CHANGE begins with OUR perception. No other substance on Earth Heals and Helps like the CANNABIS Plant !
Why is pot education information covered up? "Cannabis Education Uncovers Our Corruption".
The only thing that makes any sense about human injustice, inhuman treatment and failed laws and Why Real Change is always elusive, is that "key Top Officials have been Paid Off"!
Pot-facts may "turn-off" some People because they have to Admit to themselves "We've All been Fooled all this time"!
Collective acknowledgement would not only Ease the blow to our egos, it would also create the UNITY we've been denied. It is tough to admit the greatest country has been infiltrated by the enemy(s) but not surprising considering our current conditions.
The Truth hurts at first, then You realize just how many ways we have been fooled or how our flawed system has negatively effected Your life. Cannabis is "KEY" for a Sustainable World.
Then You are Advocating for Sustainable Life through Utilizing Cannabis!
100 yrs. ago, the "hired hands/top officials" made Hemp/pot illegal while creating Chemical Pharmaceutical Medications (most of which are Flawed).
100 yrs, ago, feral Hemp Grew Everywhere.
Wildlife ate it and Farmers utilized it. Hemp was in most peoples diets, they ingested the CBD's from farmers Eggs, Milks & Meats.
The #1 Healthiest Food on Earth is Hemp Seed Hearts. Eating Fresh cannabis (hemp or not) will not get you high, but will Generate your Immune System with the most amounts of Edestin of any plant/food on Earth.
Hemp will also Purify the environment where it grows. It grows thousands of times Faster than Trees! It generates 4 times as much Oxygen, per acre as forests. Eat up C02 better than any other plant to Mitigate Global Warming.
And then there's FOOD and MEDICINE! Proteins, Fiber ect., hundreds of treatments & Cures with Hemp! Hemp is Federally Legal in all 50 states!
100 yrs. ago, 1 out of 20 Americans Died from Cancers & Diseases, over time, it steadily risen to todays rate of 1 out of 2! Cancers & Diseases are mostly caused by Toxic internal or external Exposure and our Body runs out of Cannabinoids to Fight the illness, this is called "Cannabinoid Deficiency"!
You know what they say in New Hampshire, "Live Free & Healthy, or Die".
Statistics show, pot smokers live longer , healthier lives than those that have smoked nothing, so even smoking is healthy!
Pot is so healthy, that although there are carcinogens, (cancerous ones) in pot, similar to tobacco, the "unique" 160 healthy "cannabinoids" reverse any harm.
To Date, there is not 1 documented case showing pot causing Lung Cancer. PotMan & Courteous Cannabis say -
The future depends on Education!
This IS the most important information (biological & environmental) to Educate, the misled majority of Americans who believe what their gov. tells them about pot.
Our nations current Drug epidemic is ruining our country. Pot may help 50% of withdrawals from pain pills/opiates! Utilizing Pot would be 50,000 times better than our current system! -
"They" Lied about everything, about the "Everything Plant" Help because you Care about Truth, Justice & a much Better Way! WearIt&TalkAboutPot! potman.US
2019 - The "Everything Plant" got lost (about 82 years ago)!
Advocating for Cannabis IS the Most Humanitarian Effort, period!
We were on the right track until 1937 prohibition. We allowed People & Planet to become Toxic because we didn't utilize the Non-Toxic Plant! Cannabis IS the Answer! Don't believe me? You will find Our real history by reading 1941 Hemp Car at this website.
There's No Man-Made, Western "MEDICINE" that FITS our Bodies Natural Receptors as precisely as the "Cannabis Cannabinoid Molecular Structure ". Modern Medicine are mostly Pills, Chemicals that Our Bodies need to Recover from (aside from masking the original illness).
Cannabis Does a Body GOOD!Cannabis Does a Planet GOOD!
CBD is anti-inflammatory, which is critical in preventing, treating and healing of chronic conditions and diseases. CBD or cannabidiol, is the 2nd most prominent chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It is just 1 of over 100 therapeutic cannabinoids. CBD is entirely safe to use since it is non-psychoactive and will not induce a mind-altering high but makes you Feel much Better! The experts use a Co2 extraction method to get pure CBD, without any THC traces or other chemicals. You can find CBD in plenty of forms – tinctures, capsules, edibles, topicals, and even isolate. For best results, try to find purely organic CBD oil. If it doesn't work, try another brand, the Seeds also make a Difference in the Quality.
Hemp has been Eradicated from the face of the Earth because it Looks like pot and all Life and Ecosystems have become Less Healthier for that.
All mammals have Endocannabinoid Systems "ECS", and only 13% of Doctors are Educated about this. "Our ECS" Regulates Our biological activity called "Homeostasis".
The "Rig" is pharmaceuticals, Cannabis may Replace about 75% of them. Nothing Fits our bodies "Receptors" as perfectly as the cannabinoids and Better than Any Pill, western medicine can create!
100 yrs. ago, 1 out of 20 Americans Died from cancer, since then, the death rate has steadily risen to 1 out of 2! Most cancers & diseases Progress due to lack of Cannabinoids, "Cannabinoid Deficiency", because we can't keep up with demand when we are sick, usually from toxicity.
Our own bodies make Cannabinoids to maintain health. There are at least 4 cannabinoids present in mothers' breast "Milk" and also in cannabis, and Nowhere "Else" on Earth. We are actually All pot-men, women & children because of our cannabinoid physiology. We make cannabinoids identical in molecular structure as THC,it's called Amandimide.
We can be Much Healthier if we ingested cannabinoids regularly. Eating fresh cannabis, whether it's Hemp or not, does Not get you High! Hemp will Never get you high, even though Hemp is the Reason for 1937 Marijuana Prohibition. Cannabis has to "Heated" to Get High, Heat changes the molecular structure of THCA to THC.
Hemp has been Cultivated by Our Ancestors for thousands of years to make it stronger. Hemp may have Less abundant cannabinoids because of this, but it still has about the same cannabinoids, after all, all Cannabis comes from the same single Plant; "Cannabis Sativa L", and All variations are made from it, even Hemp!
We co-evolved Eating fresh Cannabis as it is best classified as a Vegetable, One of the Healthiest foods on Earth. Eating small amounts of Fresh cannabis does more for our Immune Systems "I.S." than any other food. It has the most amount of "Edistin" that Generates our I.S.'s. Also, people should know that HempHearts from seeds, are the #1 healthiest food on Earth.
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) regulates Our Bodies! Everything from relaxation to eating, sleeping, inflammation and even cognitive function. In a nutshell, the ECS is responsible for making sure the entire body is working optimally.
CBD is just 1 cannabinoid present in Cannabis, All of the 100+ Cannabinoids Help our bodies. Can you imagine if we could utilize all of these? CBD is just one and may help with issues such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, hypertension and even cardiovascular issues.
- Physical Benefits: Stimulates an anti-inflammatory response which helps reduce all forms of chronic aches and pains. Regular use also helps support joint health, mobility, and flexibility.
- Psychological Benefits: Helps positively regulate mood patterns which help reduce anxiety and stress. It also promotes better sleep cycles and in some cases may offer a safe remedy for depression and bipolar disorders.
- Neurological Benefits: CBD's positive impact on the neural system helps reduce age-related cognitive decline. It also helps support focus, alertness & memory recall while reducing the frequency of migraines and headaches.
Marijuana has become popular in recent times due to the terminal epidemics such as aids and cancer. However, it also has applications for the illness which are less serious.
Research about the prospective medical application of the herb in regards to common sickness has led to some significant findings. Take a look at some ways in which cannabis can be used when you have a cold or flu.- THC has pain-soothing properties. Thus, it can be helpful for someone who is suffering from the aches caused by the common cold. Also, it helps in sleeping during such a tough time.
- CBD has some significant antiviral application. Doctors are of the opinion that consuming CBD can help in flu and the common cold.
- The endocannabinoid system of an individual can be depleted when he or she is sick. This happens because the body is defending itself constantly against the virus. The consumption of marijuana includes CBD and THC rich strains. This helps to replenish the depleted endogenous cannabinoids. As it refreshes the endocannabinoid of the system, people will be able to recover from sickness in an efficient manner.
- Cannabis performs the role of an anti-inflammatory. Thus, it opens passages and airways in the body which is inhibited by being sick.
When searching for the best hemp/cannabis product, look for labels with the ingredients and "whole formulation" listed, including "cannabinoid and terpene profiles". -- Success with cannabis depends on compassionate service from a knowledgeable advisor. The System Blames "Lack of Research, while the System is Responsible for "No Research Allowed"! For example, THC converts to CBN over time, which is a highly effective sedative and less effective for treating conditions like pain or cancer like Fresh THC does.
Utilizing Cannabis in just about Everything, is the best way to progress as a civilization. Had we followed Ford's inventions, the Earth would Not be Heating Up so rapidly from decades of "Carbon Positive" Products, Fuels & Power Plants. Ford showed US how to make "carbon NEGATIVE" Products, more than just fuels & car parts, "Utilization" is about "Worldwide Sustainability"! It's also about how it Purifies Our Planet! It's about our Flawed Infrastructure, Medicine, Buildings, Batteries and Food and about 60,000 other product improvements.
Our problem is that Most People still don't get it. They hear a few ways which cannabis Helps us, however "if" people were properly Educated, we would all Demand Utilization. If we learned about how utilizing "was and is", our best option for a Healthy World, then we can make it happen. Our First Step is to help educate Each Other. Cannabis Cures People & Planet.
Cannabis Does a Body GOOD!
Cannabis Does a Planet GOOD!
We have to give Thanks to Dispensaries for providing Information, just Call up Your Local stores & Ask Questions. Prime ATC Dispensary has helped me answer the question; "What is D8"?
D-8 THC is a different kind of THC that we're able to extract from cannabis. It can help with nausea and vomiting, to reduce stress related anxiety, to increase appetite, to provide pain relief, and to help protect brain from stress, inflammation, and protein build up among other things. It also has the added benefit of having greatly reduced intoxication in comparison to D-9 or "regular" THC.
Below is some further helpful info about D-8:
• It is a good option for patients who find Delta 9 THC doesn’t treat their nausea, lack of appetite, or anxiety as well as they would like.
• It can be a good middle ground for patients who benefit from the psychoactive qualities of THC but find Delta 9 THC produces mental effects too intense or uncomfortable and CBD does not provide enough relief.
• Delta. 8 THC offers a more clear minded experience with less anxiety than Delta 9 THC.
• Some patients find that using a combination of Delta 9 THC and Delta 8 THC works better than using either alone. Similar to the synergistic relationship between THC and CBD.
• Delta 8 THC can help to diminish the psychoactive effects of the Delta 9 THC. (Works better when combined with CBD).
• It increases energy and productivity
Conditions that may benefit from Delta 8 THC:
• Alzheimer’s/Dementia
• Anxiety disorders
• Cancer/Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting
• Cachexia
• Depression
• Inflammatory brain conditions (Neuroprotective)
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea
Best Virus Fighting Food on Earth!
cannabis=biological & environmental S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y ! ! !
The first biologic reference is how Healthy the fresh plant is to Eat (added to recipes).
Fresh Hemp or Fresh Pot (does not get u high unless it's Heated) is the Best plant (fruit or vegetable) that produces the most Edestin to generate Our Immune Systems (on Earth).
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
- enzymes (which catalyze and control biochemical reactions) Antibodies (immunoglobulins which fend off "INVADING BACTERIA, VIRUSES)-
For thousands of years, the Earths people by the thousands, all over the world, families and communities would gather at the Hemp fields for Harvesting. Truly, the Earths Best Natural Resource and the most Productive Plant, "Cannabis". Fast forward to the last 80 years, and Recognize how our government spearheaded international Prohibition to wipe out the Cannabis Plant entirely.
The People have to Educate Each Other about the Everything Plant. Unity is Key for US to work Together towards Sustainability! Remember the saying, divide and conquer, well that's US right now, divided and conquered. We are living in a Dis-functional Society and "we can't recognize it because we are living it". Things could have been so much Better in many ways!
"USA" stands for the "Greatest country on Earth". We have been the greatest, but over time, we have been sinking, and now, we won't admit we have Lost Greatness. It all makes sense if we believe the corruption (Richest Influential People - R.I.P.) has manipulated our top officials. Nearly All Media is also Owned and Manipulated by the R.I.P.
The root word for Religion is Unity. Religion is now at a low point and what this country needs more than anything, is Unity to get "Good things Done"! That's what Americans do best when Properly Informed, "Get It Done"!
People "New" to consuming Cannabis, aka; pot, should use extreme caution, there are regulations for a reason. It is very Easy to get sick and feel like you're dying from just an "extra cookie".
We co-evolved with this plant, that's why Our brain Stem won't allow a fatal Overdose. To Date, No One has ever died from Smoking Pot! Please be careful with Edibles (pot in food), they give a "more body high". Edibles are stronger than reg. pot because it's a concentrated extract, eating it takes about an hour to effect you.
ALWAYS, I repeat, Always follow Directions! If You Eat too much, you will feel very sick for about 5 hours! Easy to do without "REGULATIONS" which provide product info. & directions. For a Person without Tollerance (Never using), it is possible to "overdose" eating just half a small cookie! Edible Overdoses that occupy hospital emergency rooms are there mostly because people Didn't Follow Directions.
Since 1937, the media has filled US with Fear, (neg. perception) when the "Truth" is so Vindicating, Liberating and how it exceeds our imaginations of what Good this plant can do for literally Everyone and Everything!
Because of Lack of Research for the last 80+ years, there are still many questions concerning the connections between mental health and cannabis use. Complex questions about usage should have been RESEARCHED & ANSWERED decades ago. Some researchers believe cannabis may cause mental illness, while others hold the point of view that those people simply use it to Feel better.
A way of minimizing any risks is to take a lower content of THC in cannabis. Cannabis with the ratio of CBD more than THC is also recommended.
If you are a beginner, you should start with a light dose of cannabis. A low start with a gradual increase in the amount taken will mitigate the risk of after-effects. At any point, if you observe any negative impact on your mental health, you are recommended to stop the dosage and consult with your doctor or Find one that's familiar with using cannabis. Information is available from your local medical dispensary.
For peoplke new, definetely consider taking Hemp with virtually no thc. Moderate users might try lesser thc-content and a bigger ratio of CBD to THC. To avoid side effects, start with a lower dosage in the beginning.
At any point, if you feel that the consumption of cannabis is affecting your mental health, it is recommended that you stop using it and look for professional helP. Dispensaries have Safety Tested their products.
Educate to Utilize - We Can Do This!
We should be Utilizing the Cannabis plant in 60,000 superior ways, starting with Replacing Trees with Cannabis! "They" also took away Natural Cures and started creating Chemical Treatments; aka "medications", some of which, actually cause Harm. From 1850 to 1900 Cannabis was the 3rd most Prescribed Medicine in the US, virtually every man, woman & child used it successfully without any fear of its high. Cannabis may Replace 70%+ of todays over the counter medicines.
Got Cannabinoids?
They Lied, Pot's Healthy! Wear My Art-Dialog Will Start!
Most of US are Still Misled about Pot, (thanks to the News) "fake news" is what keeps US in the dark. The "Half Truths" are even More Misleading. Help get the Word Out, Wear: "PotMan & Courteous Cannabis"
Advocating IS the Most Humanitarian and Virtuous deed for Resoring Good Health back to people & planet.
There is no greater cause than to teach Sustainability through "Utilizing the Everything Plant".
Earths population is ruining our planet ONLY because we are NOT UTILIZING Pot 60k more sustainable ways. If fully Utilized, We could double our population with the same or less Toxic Pollution while Not raping the planet of it's Precious Natural Resources.
Our Prosperity was intentionally taken from US because of Greed. The "ToxiChoice" was made for US in 60 thousand different non-sustainable ways!
All of the most pressing problems of today, Environmentally and Biologically can be Linked back to 1937 Cannabis Prohibition. How? 60,000 Reasons! First of all, Alcohol & Pot Prohibition were Never about "getting High", it was really about HEMP, the Hemp plant is the Most Productive & Medicinal substance on Earth!
Cannabis does a better job at 60,000 uses, so that's WHY the elite/richest people have been Suppressing "Natural Energy Solutions" N.E.S. in order to Protect their interests!
Since Nixon, the DEA has spent over a trillion dollars fighting "Mostly Pot"! Our gov. all together, has spent Trillions trying to Suppress our Knoledge of the Everything Plant.
Dis-Information is very much alive! There are Decades of Studies along with massive amounts of Pharmaceutical & DEA "Data" about long term use. The Political Process is obviously very Broken.
Studies are passed along in our Political System, never reaching the Light of day. One of the first medical pot studies, started on Presidents Bush Sr.'s term, only to have it Removed, along with all Cannabis information from USA's Libraries and Compendiums. Then Bush never mentions it, even though it has Positive health effects.
Mostly unknown, underlying issues are so massively Important to all Life on Earth, that's why the majority of Americans have been Manipulated & Lied to.
"Stoned driving" in the News is designed to create Fear in the Majority of US. Traffic Accidents from "beginners" or the "sick from overdose", do happen, however, it is seriously just a Drop in the Bucket, a fraction, when compared to Alcohol related accidents.
Extremely low statistics makes the "News" instead of an actual first, recognized "PANACEA", that could Help Heal ALL of US & the Earth! Statistics indicate "No" upswing in traffic deaths related to cannabis. Everything we were/are told about POT is a LIE!
Medicines are just part of what Pot can do to Help our population and planet. Pharmaceutical drug interactions kill 91 people everyday. Prescription Medications, taken as directed, kills someone every 5 minutes, that's 100,000 Americans a year, altogether that's 270 Deaths per day, more than twice as many who are killed in car accidents each day.
Prescription opioid deaths, now surpass gun-related deaths! Big Pharma is literally killing more people than GUNS! The opioid epidemic in America is killing more people than guns and the blame rests squarely on Big Pharma. Until 2007, the number of deaths by firearm was five times greater than those caused by overdoses, but in 2015 overdose deaths surpassed gun deaths for the first time and it looks like the trend will continue.
Finally seems the federal regulations caught up to the pharmaceutical giants. Doctors have wised up and many now feel the epidemic hasn’t disappeared so much as it has evolved behind the spotlight. The normal progression is from Anxiety / Pain pills to heroin for multiple reasons; cost, more effective, easier to get, etc. Pot helps heroin withdrawals by 50% and Helps Save Lives, states with legal pot saw 25% drop in opioid fatalities. Pot may also help with the current epidemics of crack and meth.
The Scariest Addiction is the Pill Addiction,...silently,...slowly,...consumes your body & soul. Population addiction to Pills is similiar in percentage as the herion addiction. One can always tell who has such addictions as in the parallel increased "Lying". The Pharm-Pill Addiction is everywhere and well hidden. Just taking a zanax or a clonapin once in a while (prescribed or not), it will only increase in use for a % of our population. They are Nearly impossible to Quit on your own. Thats the Scary part! Addicts will ultimately go to 1 of 3 places if they do not admit they need help; 1) Jails 2) Institutions & 3) Death. The Good News is that Cannabis consumption, either smoking, vaping or eating, Helps Withdrawels by 50%!
Although research throughout the world concludes that vaping is 95% safer than smoking, medical studies (Oct. 2020), keep finding problems with vapes, yet still No official recalls, ...No Recalls! That's a Red Flag!
There is No tar or combustion associated with vaping as it is with smoking a regular cigarette, however some Dr.'s believe there is Water interference inside the Lungs.
Conclusion; Vaping is Safer/Healthier than Smoking!
We need to Re-Educate Everybody, this society is getting "Played! The Earth and it's Inhabitants, are being Poisoned, All Needlessly! Cannabis could create "Sustainability", both Biologically & Environmentally.
Help Educate about "Cannabis Sustainability".
I Love my country enough to want to "Educate" in order to Fix our People & Planet,... "Peacefully"...don't You?
Help PotMan & Courteous Cannabis bring Awareness thru Art! ~ Wear&Share4Awareness! ~