Courteous Cannabis Cures Cancers!
What is the Healthiest FOOD on Earth? = Hempseed Hearts! inside the Seeds.
Eating fresh Hemp, hemp Seeds & drinking hemp Milk, may help Maintain good health and allow US to generally live to be about 120 yrs. old.
Adding the "thc" (not Hemp) would be necessary for fighting Disease & Cancers.
Even though Smoking is only 3% medicinal, Pot Smokers have 63% Less head, throat & neck Cancers.
Even though Smoking pot is the "Least" Medicinal way to use it, Pot Smokers Live Longer than people who have Never Smoked Anything.
Cannabis is NOT being Accepted for what it really is,...The Everything Plant! WE could Save the Earth, Together,...Let's Embrace the only feasible solution.
Have you ever wondered where All the money Donated to “cancer charities” and “research institutions” really goes?
Over decades, this country has invested more than $100 Billion dollars in finding a “cure for cancer”,...but they haven’t found it yet. Cancer is BIG business and it generates tons of money year after year, for decades and decades.
There are so many other All Natural, Safe, Non-Toxic remedies for cancer as well, many of which can be used alongside cannabis treatments.
Open minded People take Control of their own lives and are healing cancer naturally every single day.
The Cannabis Plant has approximately 30 to 40 "Cannabinoids" that Fit our Receptors better than any "Medicine Pill"! Also are naturally produced and active in our own bodies. The secret to the plant's "Broad Healing" lies in the Several Hundred Cannabinoids.
Changing the ratios between the smaller cannabinoids and increasing their concentration, creates a product with very high medical effectiveness and unique compounds for treatment of various diseases can be attained.
Chemo and radiation therapy Do have the potential to slow and even prevent tumor growth, however presenltly, more Data is Needed for cannabis Research, Only through human clinical trials can WE find the Answers.
Killing cancer simply put by a biochemist
Killing cancer ~ an esoteric description:
When THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor site on the cancer cell, it induces an increase in ceramide synthesis that leads to cell death. A normal cell does not produce ceramide when it is near THC; therefore it is not affected by the cannabinoid.
The reason the cancer cell dies is not because of the cytotoxic chemicals, but because there is a small shift in the mitochondria. The purpose of the mitochondria within a cell is to produce energy for the cell to use. As the ceramide is produced, it turns up the sphingolipid rheostat. This production increases the mitochondrial membrane permeability to cytochrome c, which is vital protein in energy synthesis. The cytochrome c is then pushed out of the mitochondria, which ultimately kills the source of energy for that particular cell.
The presence of ceramide leaves no possibility of cancer cell survival. This is because it causes genotoxic stress in the cancer cell that generates a protein call p53, which disrupts the calcium metabolism in the mitochondria. Ceramide also disrupts the cell’s digestive system that produces nutrients for all cell function, and actively inhibits pro-survival pathways.
The key to the cancer killing process is the accumulation of ceramide in the system. This means that by taking THC rich cannabis extract (with the minimum of 55% THC) ,at a steady rate over a period of time the patient will keep metabolic pressure on these cancer cell death pathways.
The "R.S.O." Rick Simpson Oil or "F.E.C.O." Full Extract Cannabis Oil is the Answer to the Majority of Our Illnesses.
The "Oil" is a concentrated plant material or Extract. It is very strong for people who have never used it in any way. Very small amounts (micro-dosing) seems to work best. Hemp (oil or plant material) is great for Maintaining Health and then Add "thc" in Larger Amounts when fighting disease & cancers. Directions are important when containing thc.
While making this "oil" may seem out of reach, there are many resources including your local city hall gov./human resources. For educating on the process, you may find videos on youtube or fb 420 Healthy Way, ect. The More we start Producing, the less expensive it will become. Another option is eating it Fresh. Fresh is never psyco-active unless it is Heated (Hemp is always non psyco active even when heated). Consuming fresh Plant material may be the Healthiest vegetable on Earth.
We should have a Farmer in every neighborhood. Rick Simpson was able to Treat & Cure 5k out of 5k community members growing his "Indica with high thc". I believe he had incredible results due to the fact that he grew his plants Outside in Natural SUNLIGHT. 99% of all cannabis is grown "indoors" which deminishes the medicinal capacity.
I Love asking people, what they think, is the best, Healthiest FOOD on Earth? Most respond; "there is None". Hemp Seed Hearts (hulled) are a "Superfood" & all Mammals #1 Food for Good Health. Combine seeds with Fresh Cannabis Plant material (actually a vegetable) and you are Eating Optimally Healthy, not to mention "Preventative Medicine".
Seed content is consistent with our bodies Ideal Ratio of Essential Nutrients. CBD's have 20 times the anti inflammatory effect of Aspirin & 2 times the effect of Hydro cortisone. There are no known cases of hemp Food Allergies! The only seed that is Bioactive, without the need to be Soaked and as a bonus, no Carbs.
Bags of Hemp Seeds are available at most stores and just 3 Tablespoons (1 serving) contain 3 times the protein of Beef & 3.6 times the Omega 3 in Salmon!
One serving of Hemp Seeds contains a full daily supply of:
- 10 grams of complete protein
- 12 grams the Omega 3, 6 ( & 9 with hemp)
- 70% more Iron , ounce per ounce
- all 9 of essential Amino Acids for complete protein
- 300mg of Omega 3 fatty acids
- 50% Foserous
- 50% Magnesium
- 25% Zink
- Prevent Free-Radicals
- High in fiber / cleanses the colon
- Prevents Obesity
And then there's the tremendous Benefits for the Environment, such as;
- Helps the Eco-system including Bees, All Mammals Eat it (without getting high)
- Purifies the environment where it grows
- Soaks up Toxins including Radiation from the soil
- Sequester (removes) up to 12 Tons of CO2 Per Acre
- Matures in just 3 Months - better than Trees in every way
- out performs Battery Supercapaciters by 200% and costs almost Nothing
- 1 acre of hemp produces as much Oxygen as 25 acres of Forest
- Heals (Remediates) the Soil while Purifying the environment, Ground, Water & Air ect., ect., ect.

Back in Henry Fords day, Half of U.S. were Farmers
Instead of everyone being "off the Grid", we were exploited to be part of the globally rigged system of dysfunction. At the very least, we should have had farmers supplying U.S on every block. Prices would be at rock bottom because it would be Used for almost everything, everywhere.
Hemp Grew Everywhere until recently, it was a Natural building block to our environments. It has also helped Shape nearly all mammals physiologically, over time. A truly crucial part of All Life & Our/mammals Evolution worldwide.
So How did We get Here?
We are Not getting the CBD's in our Diet that was once abundant in Nature. All Livestock and local species ate ferral hemp, transported the seeds thru their poop and it grew everywhere. People would Benefit from the CBD's in their food. We used to receive CBD's thru Meats, Milks and Eggs until the last 100 years.
150 years ago pot/hemp was the 3rd most prescribed Medicine, used by every man, woman and child in the America. It was sold by leading drug companies, (Lilly, Merrell, McKesson & Robbins, etc.) some of which still exist.
100 years ago, Americans were Dying from cancer at a rate of 1 out of 20, "Today" it has Steadily Risen to 1 out of 2, (even though the cancer society says rates are improving).
So what happened? Rockefeller (who owned all the petroleum in the US) discovered that Petroleum, when taken as medicine, "Masks" the Symptoms! This was the Birth of "Big Pharma" and the Creation of Chemical Medications Instead of Natural Plants.
. ..and then Prohibition Needed to Suppress Medical Information (actually all information) so the corruption "bought and paid for" our top Officials in the right places. Ultimately creating the society of Today, Misled by ''Resticted Political Policies"!
If it Cures...Why doesn't everyone Use it?
Needless to say, the System has been rigged since 1937 to keep everyone from finding out "They Lied about everything, about the Everything Plant". Critical Information has been buried, all in the name of "profit". People don't know what to believe thanks to our Lying Media! We live in a "Nutritionally, Intellectually and Spiritually" DEPRIVED CULTURE,...INTENTIONALLY! Apparently, all for their profit.
One of the Main reasons why we have not utilized it medicinally, Our Doctors were Duped! The medical Schools "Curriculums" accross the country have been RESTRICTED by POLITICS! Scary how people think that our country has turned to "crap" now, because of the "current" President,...Our country has been turning to crap for a long time!
The concepts of modern constitutional government, which guaranteed human rights and separation of church and state, were unified into a policy designed to protect citizens from intolerant arbitrary laws.
In his landmark essay, On Liberty, Ogden Livingston Mills, whose philosophy shaped Our democracy, wrote that "Human Liberty compromises, first the inward domain of consciousness in the most comprehensive sense: liberty of thought and feeling, ...scientific, moral or theological, ...liberty of tastes and pursuits." Mills asserted that this freedom of thought or of "mind" is the basis for all freedoms. Gentleman farmer Thomas Jefferson's immortal words , "I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man," are engraved into the marble of his memorial in Washington D.C. -
- “Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks.
The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt…Mr. Chairman, when the Federal Reserve act was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here and that this country was to supply financial power to an "international superstate" controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own agenda.” – Congressman Louis T. McFadden, from a speech delivered to the House of Representatives on June 10, 1932.
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” — Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945), in a letter to Colonel Edward M House dated November 21, 1933, as quoted in F.D.R.: His Personal Letters, 1928-1945.
“Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means… We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state… It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government… This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century… This group…is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.” – Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” —J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine, 1956.
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